Properties of the number 6423991668601:
6423991668601 = 13 × 97 × 9967 × 511123 is composite and squarefree.6423991668601 has 4 distinct prime factors, 16 divisors, 31 antidivisors and 5868105813504 totatives.
6423991668601 has a prime digit sum 61 in base 10.
Reversing the decimal digits of 6423991668601 results in a sphenic number.
6423991668601 = 32119958343012 - 32119958343002 = 2470766026452 - 2470766026322 = 331133591652 - 331133590682 = 25471821012 - 25471808402 = 3222680352 - 3222580682 = 248542512 - 247246802 = 65397552 - 60286322 = 38056992 - 28389002 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 8 ways.
6423991668601 is the difference of 2 positive pentagonal numbers in 8 ways.
6423991668601 = 3602 + 224512 + 25344602 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
64239916686012 = 43047366851452 + 47683237127762 = 21396324352202 + 60571975368492 = 27458616251992 + 58075737527402 = 24707660263852 + 59298384633242 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 4 ways.
64239916686012 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
6423991668601 is a divisor of 4578177952 - 1.