Monday, September 10, 2018

Number of the day: 5904

Properties of the number 5904:

5904 = 24 × 32 × 41 is the 5126th composite number and is not squarefree.
5904 has 3 distinct prime factors, 30 divisors, 9 antidivisors and 1920 totatives.
Reversing the decimal digits of 5904 results in a triangular number.
5904 = 23 + 43 + 183 is the sum of 3 positive cubes in 1 way.
5904 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 9 ways.
5904 = 482 + 602 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 1 way.
5904 = 282 + 322 + 642 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
59042 = 12962 + 57602 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 1 way.
59042 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
5904 is a proper divisor of 734 - 1.
5904 is palindromic in (at least) the following bases: 81, and -7.
5904 in base 3 = 22002200 and consists of only the digits '0' and '2'.
5904 in base 9 = 8080 and consists of only the digits '0' and '8'.
5904 in base 11 = 4488 and consists of only the digits '4' and '8'.

The number 5904 belongs to the following On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) sequences (among others):

Sequence numbers and descriptions below are taken from OEIS.
A029542: Numbers n such that n divides the (left) concatenation of all numbers <= n written in base 25 (most significant digit on right).
A033001: Every run of digits of n in base 3 has length 2.
A054036: Numbers n such that n^2 contains exactly 8 different digits.
A059611: Numbers n such that 2^n-17 is prime.
A075253: Trajectory of 77 under the Reverse and Add! operation carried out in base 2.
A092763: a(n) = floor(3^n / n).
A147857: Differences of two positive 4th powers.
A179669: Products of form p^4*q^2*r where p, q and r are three distinct primes.
A207269: T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..1 arrays avoiding 0 0 0 and 0 1 1 horizontally and 0 1 1 and 1 0 1 vertically
A254854: T(n,k)=Number of (n+2)X(k+2) 0..1 arrays with no 3x3 subblock diagonal sum one and no antidiagonal sum two

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