Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Number of the day: 34120

Martin Wilhelm Kutta was born on this day 153 years ago.

Properties of the number 34120:

34120 is the 7382th totient number.
34120 = 23 × 5 × 853 is the 30475th composite number and is not squarefree.
34120 has 3 distinct prime factors, 16 divisors, 13 antidivisors and 13632 totatives.
34120 has a semiprime digit sum 10 in base 10.
34120 has a triangular digit sum 10 in base 10.
34120 = 13 + 233 + 283 is the sum of 3 positive cubes in 1 way.
34120 = 85312 - 85292 = 42672 - 42632 = 17112 - 17012 = 8632 - 8432 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 4 ways.
34120 is the sum of 2 positive triangular numbers.
34120 is the difference of 2 positive pentagonal numbers in 2 ways.
34120 = 1022 + 1542 = 622 + 1742 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 2 ways.
34120 = 262 + 1202 + 1382 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
341202 = 204722 + 272962 = 133122 + 314162 = 215762 + 264322 = 82002 + 331202 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 4 ways.
341202 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
34120 is a proper divisor of 13734 - 1.
34120 is palindromic in (at least) the following bases: 33, 64, and 74.
34120 in base 33 = vav and consists of only the digits 'a' and 'v'.
34120 in base 38 = NNY and consists of only the digits 'N' and 'Y'.

The number 34120 belongs to the following On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) sequences (among others):

Sequence numbers and descriptions below are taken from OEIS.
A047098: a(n) = 2*binomial(3*n, n) - Sum_{k=0..n} binomial(3*n, k).
A051054: a(n) = Sum_{k=1..n} C(n, floor(n/k)).
A107027: Number triangle associated to the Riordan arrays (1/(1+x),x/(1+x)^k),k>=0.
A107030: Number triangle associated with the Riordan arrays (1/(1+x),x/(1+x)^k),k>=0.
A129873: Sequence s_n arising in enumeration of arrays of directed blocks (see Quaintance reference for precise definition).
A192320: Numbers k for which there are no prime numbers in the range (k-4*sqrt(sqrt(k)), k].
A203569: Numbers whose digits are a permutation of [0,...,n] and which contain the product of any two adjacent digits as a substring.
A213028: Number A(n,k) of 3n-length k-ary words that can be built by repeatedly inserting triples of identical letters into the initially empty word; square array A(n,k), n>=0, k>=0, read by antidiagonals.
A252369: T(n,k)=Number of (n+2)X(k+2) 0..3 arrays with every 3X3 subblock row, column, diagonal and antidiagonal sum not equal to 1 3 4 6 or 7
A330620: Number of length n necklaces with entries covering an initial interval of positive integers and no adjacent entries equal.

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