Sunday, January 17, 2021

Number of the day: 2629

Properties of the number 2629:

2629 is a cyclic number.
2629 = 11 × 239 is semiprime and squarefree.
2629 has 2 distinct prime factors, 4 divisors, 7 antidivisors and 2380 totatives.
2629 has a prime digit sum 19 in base 10.
Reversing the decimal digits of 2629 results in a sphenic number.
2629 = 63 + 63 + 133 is the sum of 3 positive cubes in 1 way.
2629 = 13152 - 13142 = 1252 - 1142 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 2 ways.
2629 is the sum of 2 positive triangular numbers.
2629 is the difference of 2 positive pentagonal numbers in 2 ways.
2629 = 172 + 242 + 422 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
26292 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
2629 is a proper divisor of 19132 - 1.
2629 = '262' + '9' is the concatenation of 2 semiprime numbers.
2629 is an emirpimes in (at least) the following bases: 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 81, 88, 90, 93, 95, and 96.
2629 is palindromic in (at least) the following bases: 19, 25, 26, -37, and -73.
2629 in base 19 = 757 and consists of only the digits '5' and '7'.
2629 in base 24 = 4dd and consists of only the digits '4' and 'd'.
2629 in base 25 = 454 and consists of only the digits '4' and '5'.
2629 in base 26 = 3n3 and consists of only the digits '3' and 'n'.
2629 in base 29 = 33j and consists of only the digits '3' and 'j'.
2629 in base 36 = 211 and consists of only the digits '1' and '2'.

The number 2629 belongs to the following On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) sequences (among others):

Sequence numbers and descriptions below are taken from OEIS.
A000328: Number of points of norm <= n^2 in square lattice.
A028342: Expansion of Product_{i>=1} (1 - x^i)^(-1/i); also of exp(Sum_{n>=1} (d(n)*x^n/n)) where d is number of divisors function.
A038764: a(n) = (9*n^2 + 3*n + 2)/2.
A074343: a(1) = 7; a(n) is smallest number > a(n-1) such that the juxtaposition a(1)a(2)...a(n) is a prime.
A080014: Number of permutations satisfying -k<=p(i)-i<=r and p(i)-i not in I, i=1..n, with k=2, r=2, I={1}.
A084849: a(n) = 1 + n + 2*n^2.
A088137: Generalized Gaussian Fibonacci integers.
A088410: a(n) = A069543(n)/8.
A108050: Integers n such that 10^n+21 is prime.
A113747: Generalized Mancala solitaire (A002491); to get n-th term, start with n and successively round up to next 10 multiples of n-1, n-2, ..., 1, for n>=1.

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