Ky Fan was born on this day 102 years ago.
Properties of the number 4079899757679:
4079899757679 = 3 × 89 × 409 × 2549 × 14657 is composite and squarefree.4079899757679 has 5 distinct prime factors, 32 divisors, 43 antidivisors and 2681561186304 totatives.
4079899757679 has a semiprime digit sum 87 in base 10.
4079899757679 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 16 ways.
4079899757679 is the sum of 2 positive triangular numbers.
4079899757679 is the difference of 2 positive pentagonal numbers in 7 ways.
4079899757679 is not the sum of 3 positive squares.
40798997576792 = 28486882899962 + 29207117384552 = 19563708922652 + 35802506846042 = 18663856058042 + 36279728228252 = 27261976468712 + 30353629804202 = 21019149333002 + 34967893339292 = 17156472427292 + 37016397138602 = 25197795742952 + 32087837150042 = 23282662191962 + 33503370644252 = 14674321949852 + 38068654803962 = 27909345216962 + 29759480049752 = 20261210937452 + 35412448865042 = 8979558955352 + 39798564348962 = 27851275810712 + 29813833014002 = 17878212421292 + 36673256248802 = 6331516642712 + 40304715608402 = 25821458577752 + 31588138283042 = 15417148435052 + 37773929334962 = 3655827672152 + 40634875751042 = 20950939172252 + 35008803908042 = 9757361240552 + 39615048969962 = 2295055333352 + 40734394856042 = 18593092939292 + 36316044639002 = 7119740788712 + 40172969698202 = 4980287812712 + 40493887644602 = 16154059700252 + 37464710841962 = 4451031886952 + 40555474580042 = 7643773794152 + 40076563293962 = 24432447999962 + 32674358264552 = 13770572558042 + 38404811348252 = 1896617379962 + 40754889838952 = 22221175765802 + 34216626818792 = 11204118597002 + 39230420973212 = 799120159802 + 40791170738792 = 19912874450042 + 35609487982952 = 8588741691962 + 39884730404252 = 3491368329962 + 40649336408552 = 14520156635042 + 38127722913452 = 2694509766962 + 40709922873752 = 9368306664962 + 39708853339052 = 11970366037202 + 39003442671212 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 40 ways.
40798997576792 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
4079899757679 is a divisor of 1433466752 - 1.
4079899757679 = '407989' + '9757679' is the concatenation of 2 semiprime numbers.