Properties of the number 3945755420:
3945755420 = 22 × 5 × 17 × 71 × 149 × 1097 is the 3758248020th composite number and is not squarefree.3945755420 has 6 distinct prime factors, 96 divisors, 47 antidivisors and 1453383680 totatives.
3945755420 is the difference of 2 nonnegative squares in 16 ways.
3945755420 is the difference of 2 positive pentagonal numbers in 14 ways.
3945755420 is not the sum of 3 positive squares.
39457554202 = 23674532522 + 31566043362 = 11440042562 + 37762733082 = 21556006122 + 33049011842 = 16711434722 + 35743902042 = 3467529242 + 39304895682 = 27864853122 + 27936509162 = 7676542722 + 38703608042 = 6034684762 + 38993347682 = 19016889922 + 34572481562 = 21325571362 + 33198171482 = 8674317082 + 38492269442 = 23893556162 + 31400582122 = 10460199962 + 38045798722 = 3194011682 + 39328067242 = 16462369562 + 35859294082 = 15689080162 + 36204300122 = 2349341722 + 39387551042 = 27133493482 + 28647375362 = 25899084642 + 29768036522 = 14145650922 + 36834754562 = 19105179842 + 34523769882 = 14078110042 + 36860621282 = 611031682 + 39452822762 = 25844477122 + 29815458842 = 8773146242 + 38469864682 = 4924312922 + 39149070562 = 18026888642 + 35098858522 = 21041631002 + 33378860802 = 8345680802 + 38564857002 = 24160519002 + 31195639202 = 19549992002 + 34273844202 = 6637804202 + 38895220002 = 25512004002 + 30100435802 = 10784332002 + 37955194202 = 2858445802 + 39353880002 = 16155908002 + 35998405802 = 18568260802 + 34815489002 = 5529977002 + 39068119202 = 26356960802 + 29363399002 = 13505605802 + 37074212002 is the sum of 2 positive squares in 40 ways.
39457554202 is the sum of 3 positive squares.
3945755420 is a proper divisor of 17895480 - 1.